Listed below are veterinarians with offices in and out of Colusa County but they do service our county. Please contact their offices for office hours, and prices. It is noted whether they treat small or large animals.

COLUSA VETERINARY HOSPITAL...........530 - 458 - 2221.....Small
1110 Bridge Street, Colusa
Dr. Paul Salazar
**** Not open evenings or weekends. Limited hours during the week.

WILLOWS ANIMAL HOSPITAL..............530 - 934 - 3801.....Small & Large
915 N. Tehama, Willows
Art Neves, DVM
**** Not open evenings or weekends.
**** Offers reduced cost spay/neuter by appt. only.

BURNHAM VETERINARY CLINIC............530 - 934 - 3311.....Small & Large
6545 E County Road 48, Willows
Dr. Leroy Burnham
**** Offers low cost vaccination & spay/neuter clinics

COUNTRY VETERINARY CLINIC............530 - 674 - 1660......Small & Large
4839 E. Butte Road, Live Oak
Dr. Jerry Long and associates

ELLIE TORTOSA, DVM...................530 - 701 - 9598.......Horses Only
**** Mobile equine veterinarian


NORTHPOINT VETERINARY HOSPITAL.......530 - 674 - 8670........Small
1463 Live Oak Blvd., Yuba City
**** 24 hours a day 7 days a week

ELLIE TORTOSA, DVM...................530 - 701 - 9598........Horses Only